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Primary and Secondary Support Design

DSI Consultants provide primary and secondary support design

DSI Consultants designs primary supports used to carry out the weight of the component and secondary supports used to stabilize equipment or components.

Primary supports must be designed and spaced to sustain the weight of the components and to ensure the structural integrity of it.

DSI Consultants can design simple and complex support solutions. Whether is for a wall mounted support, a trapezoid suspension or a prefab module, our team will be able to assist you.

Detailed drawings with support location will be sent to you allowing your team to carry out the installation properly. Reactions loads will also be provided. Our team can also assist you with the structural connection and anchor selection.

Conception de supports primaires et secondaires
Supports primaires et secondaires

The installation of guide and anchorage is sometimes necessary on the piping in order to properly control the thermal expansion loads. If applicable, this type of secondary supports must be designed and approved by an engineer. Our team can support you in the design of these secondary supports that play a crucial role during the commissioning of the systems.

The design of the primary and secondary supports can every now and then become complicated since sometimes it will require a seismic, wind or vibration analysis. At DSI Consultants, we can help you and make the installation process easier. Through our network of contacts with several manufacturers, our team can guide you to high-performance and optimal products for your project.

Don't wait any longer and call one of our experts


Request a quote now. If you have any questions or have difficulty sending us your documentation, our technical support team will be happy to assist you.

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Métaux ouvrés

Fabricated Metals and Mechanical Structure Design

Conception de supports primaires et secondaires

Design of Primary and Secondary Support

Calculs de charge sismique et de vent

Seismic Load and Wind Calculations


Conception mécanique et modélisation 3D

Mechanical design and 3D modeling

Conception d'équipements de machinerie lourde

Design of Heavy Machinery Equipment

Analyse par éléments finis

Finite element analysis


Plant Layout and Machine Safety

Manutention et entreposage

Handling and Storage

DSI Consultants


4600, boulevard Henri-Bourassa
Quebec, QC G1H 3A5

QUEBEC (H/O) : 418-476-4510
MONTREAL : 514-316-6730

© DSI Consultants – All rights reserved 2025

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